by Ace
I was shooting some family portraits and while the family I was taking pictures of were changing their outfits my assistant asked me to take a picture of him.I grabbed my camera lens filters I just purchased, held it in front of my lens and with very little effort created this photo. I went back to shooting my family portrait and didnβt even end up noticing how cool of a photo I captured until later when I was working on the other images I had taken. I sent it to my friend and he told me if he knew it was going to turn out that cool looking he would have made a less dorky face, haha!
Not sure.
I like to shoot really narrow and focus in on my subject.
16-35mm f/2.8 L II
Ryan Brenizer does some great stuff. I also like oldschool favorites like Franz Scholtand.
I like stacking ND filters with oscillating filters.
Would love to get more creative filters.
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