by BlueWallPhoto
My favorite type of photography has always been that of living subjects but with the constant access to varying styles I felt constant pressure to create work that was better, more in depth and more thoughtful than other photographers work.I have always worked with a smaller budget and felt limited creatively as a result. After a few failed attempts at diy camera filters I searched types of camera filters online and upon getting my first set of Fractal Filters, I felt my work transform into ways I couldnβt have imagined. I created this image with a model, an ordinary living room and my set of fractals. To this day, it is one of images I am most proud of.
Anything in or around Seattle.
Typically I'm found shooting with the 5DS and 5DS R or the Canon 6D
Sigma 8-16mm EF-S
Ellen Banner from the Seattle Times has a lot of great work.
I like stacking ND filters with oscillating filters.
Probably the 1D X or the 1D X Mark II
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