by Jesse Wildebern
The business school that I attend is fairly new and it has a pretty modern feel to it. I was sitting in one of the chairs on the bottom level waiting for my class to start when I was staring up at the multi-levels and all of the escalators. I noticed if you looked through a certain angle you could see all of the different lighting fixtures on each level four stories upward. It was a pretty cool effect of the upward projection of the building and I pulled out my camera to take a few shots with pretty sweet
Women, smoke, lips, portraits and faces.
I like to shoot with the D7500, and I also own the Nikon D5600.
20mm f/2.8 USM
I'm a Ukrainian editorial and commercial photographer, so I shoot a lot of different things.
I like stacking ND filters with oscillating filters.
Would really love to get a Nikon D5.
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