by Joe Drape
I love this photo because it looks like it was created through photo editing programs but it wasn’t. No one believes me when I say it was created with my canon, a camera lens and a colorful light I carry when I walk my dogs. My friend and I were walking my dogs one night when we created this photo and to this day it has been my photo that has generated the most conversation on my website and people are constantly asking me how to recreate it.
Light, it's all about using light in ways that are advantageous to the images.
I usually shoot with a mix of different bodies like the 6D Mk II.
17mm f/4 L TS-E Tilt & Shift
I like photos that have a hint of abstract mixed with strange compositions.
I like stacking ND filters with oscillating filters.
I'm pretty happy with my gear setup right now, but a tilt-shift lens would be nice 😬.
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